Docker and kubernetes difference
Docker and kubernetes difference

docker and kubernetes difference

While it is true both can create a multi-container application, a Pod also serves as a unit of deployment and horizontal scaling/replication, which docker compose does not provide. You can hear more about kubernetes in the episode #3 of Google Cloud Platform Podcast.

docker and kubernetes difference

In terms of how Kubernetes differs from other container management systems out there, such as Swarm, Kubernetes is the third iteration of cluster managers that Google has developed. You can launch kubernetes commands with docker-compose by the way. I think pod is equivalent to compose except that kubernetes can orchestrated pods, whereas there is nothing orchestrating compose unless it is used with swarm like you've mentioned. In this analogy, the packing boxes are Docker containers, and the shipping containers are Kubernetes pods. The boxes that need to stay together because they need to go to the same location or have an affinity to each other are loaded into shipping containers.

docker and kubernetes difference

Imagine individual Docker containers as packing boxes. It is vastly different from kubernetes, a google tool to manage thousands of containers groups as Pod, over tens or hundreds of machines.Ī Kubernetes Pod would be closer from a docker swarm:


Update July 2016, 7 months later: docker 1.12 blurs the lines and includes a "swarm mode". Docker compose is just a way to declare the container you have to start: it has no notion of node or cluster, unless it launches swarm master and swarm nodes, but that is docker swarm)

Docker and kubernetes difference